Ratings you can count on
FE fundinfo ratings can help you identify the best funds and fund managers, helping you make a more informed decision.
- Completely independent and impartial ratings
- Calculated from FE fundinfo’s market leading fund and manager database
- No payment taken for ratings
- Tried and tested quant only methodologies
FE fundinfo Crown Ratings allow you to identify the best performing and most consistent funds over the long term, and because we don’t charge fund providers for a rating, you can rest assured they’re entirely independent. |
FE fundinfo Alpha Manager ratings highlight the top ten percent of all listed UK fund managers, based on their career performance since 2000. In an age when momentum markets are a thing of the past, it pays to know who has the skill to add real value in active management. |
FE fundinfo Passive Ratings rate passive funds on their ability to track and match their chosen benchmarks. |